Posts by WGH
Lonely Island write-up (FAUST CTF 2021)
Lonely Island was one of the tasks on FAUST CTF 2021.
This task was a multiplayer FPS game based on Godot engine. This is something you don’t see on CTFs often, let alone on attack-defense ones. One notable example I can think of is Pwn Adventure on Ghost in the Shellcode CTF many years ago. Although Pwn Adventure was considerably more complex, it was a jeopardy competition, and yet Lonely Island appeared on an attack-defense CTF.
caidanti write-up (Real World CTF 2019 Quals)
Caidanti was a reverse/pwn task with two flags.
The task had two binaries -
, running on Google’s Fuchsia operating system, which is currently under active development.printf write-up (Tokyo Westerns CTF 2019)
printf was a pretty typical pwn task: you get binary, libc, network address, and you have to gain an RCE. The vulnerability is an unsafe
which allows one to cross the gap between stack and libraries.Unknocking write-up (CyBRICS CTF 2019 Quals)
Unknocking was a networking task on CyBRICS CTF 2019 quals.
DevMaster 8000 and 8001 write-up (Google CTF 2019 Quals)
DevMaster 8000 and DevMaster 8001 were sandbox challenges on Google CTF 2019 quals.
If on a winters night a traveler write-up (0CTF/TCTF Quals 2019)
“If on a winters night a traveler” was a pwn task on 0CTF/TCTF Quals 2019. You have to pwn a custom buggy encryption algorithm for Vim.
refrain write-up (0CTF/TCTF Quals 2019)
refrain was a misc task at 0CTF/TCTF Quals 2019 where you had to reconstruct input data from a program trace.
EC3 write-up (DEF CON CTF 2018 Quals)
Elastic cloud compute (memory) corruption (or EC3 for short) was a binary pwn task on recent DEF CON CTF 2018 Quals.
slot machine write-up (Google CTF 2017 Finals)
“slot machine” was a hardware task in the reverse-engineering category on Google CTF Finals 2017, which took place in Zurich back in October 2017.
2manypkts write-up (Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2017)
This task is a remote
binary (both binary and libc were provided), tagged as “pwn” and “network”. The goal is to exploit some vulnerability to gain remote code execution.