Posts tagged with write-up
Lonely Island write-up (FAUST CTF 2021)
Lonely Island was one of the tasks on FAUST CTF 2021.
This task was a multiplayer FPS game based on Godot engine. This is something you don’t see on CTFs often, let alone on attack-defense ones. One notable example I can think of is Pwn Adventure on Ghost in the Shellcode CTF many years ago. Although Pwn Adventure was considerably more complex, it was a jeopardy competition, and yet Lonely Island appeared on an attack-defense CTF.
printf write-up (Tokyo Westerns CTF 2019)
printf was a pretty typical pwn task: you get binary, libc, network address, and you have to gain an RCE. The vulnerability is an unsafe
which allows one to cross the gap between stack and libraries.DevMaster 8000 and 8001 write-up (Google CTF 2019 Quals)
DevMaster 8000 and DevMaster 8001 were sandbox challenges on Google CTF 2019 quals.
If on a winters night a traveler write-up (0CTF/TCTF Quals 2019)
“If on a winters night a traveler” was a pwn task on 0CTF/TCTF Quals 2019. You have to pwn a custom buggy encryption algorithm for Vim.
0CTF/TCTF 2019 Quals: Sixology write-up
Sixology was a reverse task which 2 teams managed to solve during the CTF. You can find summary section (TL;DR) as well as some links in the end of write-up.
Diagon Alley write-up (FAUST CTF 2018)
EC3 write-up (DEF CON CTF 2018 Quals)
Elastic cloud compute (memory) corruption (or EC3 for short) was a binary pwn task on recent DEF CON CTF 2018 Quals.
primepwn write-up (34C3 CTF)
We are given an
ELF binary and remote server address. The goal is to gain remote execution and read the flag.slot machine write-up (Google CTF 2017 Finals)
“slot machine” was a hardware task in the reverse-engineering category on Google CTF Finals 2017, which took place in Zurich back in October 2017.
2manypkts write-up (Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2017)
This task is a remote
binary (both binary and libc were provided), tagged as “pwn” and “network”. The goal is to exploit some vulnerability to gain remote code execution.